Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Christian High School Student's View of the Gospel

I spent a little time witnessing at the mall, today. Mall security was everywhere. They even had a few plain-clothes security guards. One followed me for a little bit. You know, if they just asked, I would be happy to help them with their surveillance techniques. LOL :-) Sadly, it is unlikely I will receive an invitation to provide them with that kind of training. But it is fun to watch them try to be stealthy. :-)

I noticed two young girls sitting on the floor, against the balcony of the second level. One of the girls, Chelsea (17), was wearing a sweatshirt from a Christian high school. I introduced myself and explained to the girls that I was with a Christian radio show that focuses on evangelism. I asked Chelsea if I could interview her about how she shares her faith with others. She agreed.

I asked Chelsea what she would say to me if I asked her what I must do to become a Christian. Her answer saddened me. Her answer revealed that she is likely a product of the modern gospel.

I would eventually share the Law and the Gospel with Chelsea. Her friend, Paige, also a student at the Christian high school, found text messaging on her phone to be far more interesting than the spiritual conversation taking place right next to her. But I made sure to talk loud enough for Paige to hear.

Listen to my conversation with Chelsea.

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