Monday, March 31, 2008

"For The Gate Is Small and The Way Is Narrow"

I received a call about 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. Our Sunday School Teacher had become ill and the Education Minister asked if I could teach the class. I had just a few minutes to prepare but I already knew what I wanted to talk about.

Matthew 7:13-26

I couldn't remember if I had ever heard these scriptures at my church and when I mentioned to my wife that the lesson could upset some in the class, she lovingly said "who cares." I opened up the class by reading the scriptures and discussing them in detail. In the last half of the class parts of the below sermon by Paul Washer were shown. If you haven't watched this sermon, please do. It is an incredible blessing. I will post additional links about the sermon and the comments I received after the class later this week.

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