I was given a book a few weeks ago by a Brother in Christ called "The Shack". He told me how powerful the book was and that it was a great way to tell others about Christ. He told me that he had distributed several copies and that everytime he went to the Christian Bookstore he saw several people buying multiple copies to give out to others. In fact, during my next trip to the local Christian Bookstore, an employee told me he was reading it for the second time and it was "unbelievable."
As a law enforcement officer, I can be very skeptical and in this case I must admit I was. Come to find out, I may have been the only person that had not heard of this book. It was self published with a $300 budget and has now sold over one million copies and is number one on the best seller list. I had high hopes. A million copies of the Gospel Message going out to many unbelievers. Well, "The Shack" didn't exactly turn out like I was told it would.
Denying the Trinity, Universalism, and many religions leading to Heaven are just some of the serious problems with Christians handing this book out to others. Of course this is not new. Christians have been combating half truths and no truths for some time and it simply makes the Great Commission even more important.
Let me encourage you to watch the below video and read the detailed review below.
A reader's review of The Shack
"The Shack"
don’t forget the blasphemy of this book making God into a woman of color. This is just another new age (new spatiality) inroad into the emerging church of Laodicea.
I heard about this from Todd on Way of the Master Radio. Very dangerous stuff.
This book is a work of Fiction. It is not meant to be Blasphemous or Heresy. Key word Fiction. God is compared to an Animal in The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis. God is compared to a Little Boy in The Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker and in another book turned movie by Ted Dekker called House God or an Angel is compared to as a little girl. What makes this book stand out... because God is compared to a women? Its all about representation. A work of Fiction, a Parable, Parallelism.
You guys are nuts. Impressed with yourselves, I'm sure. Great book. Good fictional story. So God as a black woman troubles you? But not so much when he's an old white guy with a long beard? Young presents God in these forms just to remind us that God is nothing like the human-style boxes we tend to stuff him (her) into. You legal zealots (pharisees) will never fully comprehend God's astounding love for his creation. This book makes a small attempt to articulate that. You missed it. I did not.
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